Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Do you love poetry? Do you live in London? No, wait a minute, that's too generic...

Do you love poetry about love? Will you be in London on the night of Valentine's Day (that's Monday 14th February)? Do you think you can drag someone else out for an entertaining evening of live poetry recitals in a pretty damn classy place (which, let's face it, is a little different from flowers and a local restaurant)? Alternatively, are you a single hopeless romantic who'd like to sit and listen and sigh deeply and maybe, just maybe, meet similarly single hopeless romantics (they'll be the ones sitting on their own, sighing deeply and glancing around in case that special one is also there in the audience)?

Do you have money for tickets?

You do? You are? You would? You have?

That's wonderful! Feel free (after having bought non-free tickets) to come along to the Love Poetry event, hosted by Kings Place, a lovely little place a few minutes walk from King's Cross Station, and arranged by the lovely people at Poet In The City (specifically this event is managed by the lovely Rebecca Wilkinson, the charity is chiefly executived by the lovely Graham Henderson and a whole bunch of lovely people - like me - volunteer our time to promote poetry in London, and other cities in the UK).

Here's some blurb. I'd only say much the same as this anyway, so it makes sense to just quote what is written elsewhere:

Celebrate Valentine’s Day in grand romantic style at this fabulous poetry event. Featuring a superb line up of Picador poets reading poems about love, passion and intimate relationships, properly functioning and otherwise.

Featuring the distinguished Picador poets:

Ian Duhig, Paul Farley, Annie Freud, Clive James, John Stammers, Robin Robertson and Lorraine Mariner.

Since it began in 1997, Picador Poetry has established itself as one of the leading poetry imprints in the UK, and the roll-call of Picador authors includes many of the best-known names in British and American verse.

I first went to one of these poetry events in 2010, and they're always entertaining - and, in part, why I now volunteer for them. I also went to see Clive James at Kings Place last year promoting his memoirs, and he's very entertaining in his own right. I'm looking forward to seeing him again and to discovering some more talented people. So, if nothing else, come along and keep ME company.

You'll have to buy your own tickets though. :-p

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