Tuesday, 12 March 2019

2019 Update

I realise I'm not great at updating my blog, as I usually just spill my mind out onto Twitter and Facebook, and assume people who care are taking notice. With the idea that maybe that's not quite the case, here's my current update.
  • Above is the cover design for Curtain Call, as it stands. I've not made too much progress since December last year, largely because it occurred to me to jump onto projects that I'm doing in conjunction with other people. But, still, this is my only properly fleshed out storytelling game, and I'm always happy to get good feedback about it so - to that end - I'm happy to send people a playtest version. 
  • Cthulhu Adventus and Halfway, both for Stygian Fox, are still both in the pipeline. I've started tackling the former, whilst ideas for the latter stir in the back of my mind (it'll be a two book affair with, in a style not dissimilar to Stephen King's IT, the players playing first as kids and then as adults - potentially this also means that the kids' book will be one of those 80s/90s nostalgia trips that everyone seems to be doing).
  • Writing - I've signed up to a mentoring programme that means I'm being encouraged to write 500 words of fiction every day. Which isn't quite working, because I'm also researching (or just reading) gaming material on a regular basis, and real life requires me to spend quality time with my kids every so often. But I have got two short stories on the go at the moment, one that's a no-fantasy story about a lonely girl who is drinking at home on a rainy night, and the other which is a sci-fi / cyberpunk / transhuman / Black Mirror affair that I'm really enjoying. If you bug me I may release copies into the world, as and when they're finished.
  • A fantasy game has been lingering in my head for ages, based on a love of old Fighting Fantasy books and, frankly, any dungeon crawler game where the adventurers run into the guards serving the evil overlord. There seem to be a bunch of games that allow you to play 'the bad guys' but I'd like to write this one game - sooner rather than later - as a love letter to the games and gamebooks of my youth, a darkly humourous game that allows you to play somewhat a band of dysfunctional guards who always seem to possess a random item that will help the adventurers get through that one room further into the dungeon.
  • Largely, much of my current inspiration is coming from the Plot Points podcast, which has pointed me toward investigating specific fantasy games. Very much worth checking out, just for the sheer variety of game covered.

Thanks for reading.