The Werewolfing is done for a year. We've raised £250.07 - thanks everyone involved! The fundraiser page is still open, if you want to throw money at it:
The next few projects I'm working on are as follows:
- Curtain Call is a personal project. Already pretty much written, but just needs editing, words shuffled around, graphic design done. It's a game about death, or rather the journey from life into death wherein, as the events of a weird night or journey unfold, one character in the fiction realises that they might be dead or dying, and all the other people around them are figments of their imagination, supernatural entities or the spirits of their dead companions. A small project I need to get out out of my system.
- Cthulhu Adventus, for Stygian Fox - I need to finish editing the Mythos section, originally written ten years or so ago! Still, a small project, I suspect.
- Halfway, also for Stygian Fox - something that is for modern era Call of Cthulhu but that will have some similarities with Curtain Call I suspect. Set in the world of dreams, but not as you've previously seen it, it's likely to get surreal, dark and disturbing.
Anyhow, that's it for now. I've got a week of next week, but I'll be in Ireland celebrating, amongst other things, my wedding anniversary. I've got some time off in December but, really, I'd love to have Curtain Call done by that and, with any luck, the Cthulhu Adventus bits will be done by the end of the year and I'll have made a start on Halfway. No idea when I'll fit in little writing projects around it, but I suspect I'll have to take a few breaks from these other projects just to get an injection of new ideas.
Here's a picture of the cover (so far) for Curtain Call.